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Community Conversations Built Drawn In

We listened to our local community, advisors, and stakeholders to understand the needs and wants of our children. Our conversations deeply informed this work, and two clear messages emerged:  

  • When kids enjoy learning, they become more confident readers.   
    Reading is the foundation of learning, and we can do better to close the literacy gap. One primary goal of Drawn In is to help children improve their literacy skill sets relative to grade-level expectations. should be and can be fun!
  • Representation matters in our community
    Another goal is to positively represent and celebrate Black and Brown kids. The Drawn In stories are about smart, fun, multidimensional kids who love reading and reflect some of the many identities of kids in our communities. All children benefit when exposed to authentic, non-stereotypical characters who may be different from the viewer's own identity. 

Nine PBS anchors our work in what is most important to our community. We regularly convene trusted community partners through our Model for Community Engagement. Essential steps include: 

  • Engaging in Conversations and Listening Sessions:  Collaborative convenings with community members and partners aid in understanding local needs and current efforts to make sure our community can flourish 
  • Creating Content: This initiative crafts content that amplifies diverse perspectives and  highlights playful learning within literacy 
  • Increasing Awareness and Understanding: By working closely with partners embedded within communities, this initiative ensures on-air, online, and on-the-ground engagement, reflecting a commitment to real-time impact 
  • Collecting Community Data: To inform the next steps for collective action, we utilize a variety of feedback channels that build a real-time picture of community priorities and changing needs 
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