Retirement Assets
Did you know that retirement plans and accounts funded with pre-tax earnings are often subject both to income and estate taxes when children or others are named as your beneficiaries?
By naming Nine PBS as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) and/or 403(b), you will be assured that every dollar will be used for a charitable purpose (like educational programming for kids) and shielded from income or estate taxes. You can then work with your advisors to identify other assets that are better suited to leave to your loved ones.
Another great benefit of naming Nine PBS as a beneficiary of your retirement assets is this option avoids the possible delays and various costs associated with probate administration. By making a gift of your retirement benefits to the station, your charitable wishes for our community can be fulfilled with greater ease and efficiency.
Learning and Planning Resources:
Or for personal support, contact:
Roya Bromell, Senior Director of Development
(314) 512-9129
Please consult with your professional advisor on the full impact of your charitable giving on you financial and/or legal circumstances.